Payment Methods for AliExpress Orders
We Support following Payment Methods for AliExpress Orders
There are two methods to send 50% advance payment 1st one is Easy-Paisa & Bank Deposit.
You can deposit money into our Easy Paisa account.
- Name: Farrukh Saeed
- Phone Number: 03339002225
You can deposit money or your Check directly to our bank account. Here are our bank account details:
- Title:
- IBAN: PK90FAYS3048301000002762
- Account No: 3048301000002762
- Bank Name: Faysal Bank, Pakistan
- Bank Address: i-8 MARKAZ Islamic ISLAMABAD 3048
Once the payment is processed please notify us with a picture or screenshot of the payment slip either to our email or WhatsApp number: +923339002225; otherwise, it will be hard to identify your payment.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any other question on WhatsApp: +923339002225.
You can also pay through following QR Code